No living will? What you must know about end of life documents

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Fewer than half of Americans older than 65 have a living will (also called an advance directive), according to a recent Consumer Reports National Research Center survey. “The ramifications of not having one are so severe that it’s bewildering that more people don’t do it,” says Howard Krooks, past president of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. Without that document, which spells out your health care wishes if you are unable to speak for yourself, your loved ones will have to guess. If they disagree, the problem could end up in court.Read More »No living will? What you must know about end of life documents

How To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

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The Thrilling New Science Of Alzheimer’s Prevention That Could Change Everything.

I feel stupid. Worse, I feel overmatched. A simple short-term memory test shouldn’t be this hard. But of the 10 random words just spoken to me, I can repeat back only two. I listened. I concentrated. I focused on the words as I heard them. But for some reason, they didn’t stick. It’s the kind of performance that makes you wonder if your brain is OK.Read More »How To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Cheap Ways to Guard Your Personal Data

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Guarding your personal data, such as your identity and credit, doesn’t have to be expensive. While pricey ID protection services may be useful for some — for example, if you’ve been a past victim and want some peace of mind, or if you have reason to fear you’ll be targeted — many consumer advocates say their $100 to $300-plus annual price tag usually isn’t worth it.Read More »Cheap Ways to Guard Your Personal Data

Experimental ultrasound treatment targets Alzheimer’s brain plaque

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Preliminary research in mice raises the possibility that an ultrasound-based treatment might help eliminate plaque buildup in the brain that’s associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Scientists don’t know whether the approach is feasible for humans, but the research is promising, especially because of how well mice with an Alzheimer’s-like disease fared after treatment, said study lead author Gerhard Leinenga, a graduate student at the University of Queensland in Australia.Read More »Experimental ultrasound treatment targets Alzheimer’s brain plaque

Nine Steps to End Chronic Worrying

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Are you a worry wart? A nervous Nellie? Do you constantly fret about everything and anything from your health to how you are perceived at work to whether or not a terror strike is imminent?

If this sounds like you, then you may be worrying your life away. This excessive worry doesn’t just affect your mental health; it also can wreak havoc on your physical well-being. That’s why WebMD spoke with experts about the reasons some of us worry excessively — and ways to break this cycle and regain your life.Read More »Nine Steps to End Chronic Worrying

Glucose Meters: What’s on the Horizon?

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If you’ve got diabetes, regular blood glucose (sugar) testing is a fact of life. And getting your all-important glucose level has become easier. Today’s glucose meters are more sensitive, and require less blood — which likely equates with less pain. That advance has been a big one for people with diabetes. But will the “ouch” ever go away?

Researchers are hard at work — developing special contact lenses, fluorescent “tattoos,” infrared devices, and smart sensors to decipher your glucose levels — with them being “ouchless” as their goal. In some cases, no blood testing is required — maybe one prick at the most.Read More »Glucose Meters: What’s on the Horizon?

Telestroke Hits the Mainstream, but Can Other Specialties Follow Suit?

Telestroke — the delivery of expert neurology care via remote videoconferencing to patients who may have suffered a stroke — is the fastest growing trend in stroke care and is one of the most widely adopted and accepted uses of telemedicine.

Indeed, telestroke is viewed by many as a “backbone” for acceptance by providers, payers and patients, but it’s unclear if other specialties can replicate the successes of telestoke. And telestroke still faces similar hurdles to implementation and reimbursement as other telemedicine specialties.Read More »Telestroke Hits the Mainstream, but Can Other Specialties Follow Suit?